Fastelavn is a carnival celebrated by Danish children. It is usually the Sunday before Ash Wednesday or a week before Lent, and schools and kindergartens often celebrate the Friday before. Children get to dress up and celebrate with fastelavnsboller, sweet carnival buns. Next week my children will be celebrating this Scandinavian tradition.
In celebration of this I wanted to do a styled shoot and managed to style the forest last weekend before the snow melted away. My children indulged my creative side and this was the result.
If your children, like mine, enjoy dressing up why not use the opportunity to have their portrait taken in their fastelavn or dress-up outfit. Something you both could treasure for years to come. If you would like to find out more about alternative children's portraits or styled shoots, please contact me via my about page.
Disclaimer: No children were harmed during this shoot. Warm blankets and hot cocao were on hand. ;)